Friday, May 9, 2008


My project is finished, and as in most cases, it is a bit different from what I had originally intended. I became less specific in my subject matter. Instead of picking specific countries and their colors (with the exception of ‘Uncle Sam’), I went with ethnicities and chose to leave them black and white. After gluing it all down I went to add the color to the children and realized that if I did so then I would lose an important aspect of my piece.
The concept is that the United States views itself above all other peoples and nations in the world. Uncle Sam’s red, white, and blues shine out brightly, making a nice contrast with the black and white children following behind. Our mindset is that we are better; therefore we get to have color. To make the black and white stand out, I stained the collage of images in the back and text with watered down, brown acrylic paints. This makes it look worn and batter, matching the devastation that is rampant in the background. Over all I am very satisfied with how my project turned out.

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