Monday, September 17, 2007


1 comment:

steigen said...

This image is made up of sixteen curvy shapes, but the curves are sharp in a way. All of these shapes join together to create one large, recognizable shape. The individual shapes are all long and narrow. You used the entire piece of paper. This helps to balance out the composition. The required amount of values, four, are present. You go all the way from using the white of the paper as a value, to an extremely dark value on the animal face. Your pencil marks where you colored in the shapes give your image a more jagged look.

The curved lines used to make the shapes and the curved position of the whole composition give the piece a sense of movement. I feel that the way the animal is crawling around shows that you, the artist, is curious about your surroundings. Your curiosity of yourself and your talent is also shown through your ability to create an animal out of sixteen adjacent shapes. When I look at your image, it makes me feel like a little kid in a pet store. It makes me happy. The sharpness of the claws and the sharper curves show the animals, and your, aggressiveness.

Overall, I feel that you did a great job. You completed the assignment of making a composition out of 16 adjacent shapes with four different values. By creating an animal with these shapes, you went beyond what I was expecting. I really enjoy your piece.