Friday, February 1, 2008

Object Search

It's always a nice change when we have an assignment that pulls us out of our seats. Despite the freezing cold outside, I enjoyed going out and looking for objects and deciphering what their colors could mean. We tromped over to Safeway and there I found a watermelon. For me, when I see the light/dark green stripes on a watermelon, so many memories are attatched. Watermelons mean a warm summer day, sitting on the back patio to your house and spitting the black seeds into the grass. It makes me think of cook outs and lots of family and friends. Coming from a very rural upbringing, this particular melon has frequented my childhood. Also, the melon-green on any other object, no matter what it is, still brings to mind a watermelon. Thus people may describe, say, a shirt as being "watermelon green". The second picture I chose was the mulch outside of the grocery store. Mulch in itself wasn't exactly what I was focusing on, but rather the color and the fact that it's earth. Brown, in my opinion, is the basic earth tone and when I see thiings that are brown I immediatly connect the object with organic materials.

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